Power of A woman


Unlike many novels, none of the characters or incidents in this book is Imaginary. The people and place you will read about in Power of a Woman are drawn from Western, Eastern and Northern part of Nigeria. This is a country richly blessed with natural resources, and talented individuals. But yet I choose to write about Nigeria from a mirror side of view. My country is a beautiful place, and yet so much has happened here, including treachery.

If you read carefully, you will hear voices of abandoned women and children crying for help. If you manage to arrive safely travelling by road to other state in the country, you may rest a while in Okene park. The food will warm the heart and the company is always plentiful. You will see a banner saying, “Where do we go from here” and a mile after, you will see another banner saying, “Healthcare is Free”. It is in this park that Power of a Woman began.

If you believe in my country, then close your eyes and listen to the proclamation burning in the hearts of so many people. Listen to the voiceless desolate beauty of our culture.

Author: Magnet Africa
Magnet Africa is Nigeria's No1 Company that specialize in Building Construction , Furniture , Artwork and General Printing. We operate as an online company delivering quality of service Nationwide, as also within Africa. For further information please call us in +234 (0)703 616 8411 or email us on info@magnetafrica.com

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