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I ordered for a Magnet Africa Superior Business Card for my company. I found Magnet Africa product as One-of-a-kind. I am pleased with Magnet Africa for a quick delivery.The black and gold design is both fashionable and professional. I like presenting this card.

Mr Isaac Nwoaha
President/CEO, Lubic Motors, Mabushi Abuja

Ndukwu Daniel 

Mr Ndukwu Daniel is one of Nigeria’s foremost conglomerates. An accomplished industrialist and entrepreneur, he belongs to the exclusive group of innovative and highly motivated Nigerians tirelessly contributing towards the rapid development of Nigeria through the establishment of widely diversified industries and service companies.

Daniel is a strong believer in the ability of Nigeria to emerge as an investment powerhouse if the vast potentials and opportunities that are available in the country are harnessed correctly. 

Mr Ndukwu is deeply committed to the development of Nigerian society. He spent several years designing and managing diverse and complex projects, starting his own practice where he continued working on both public and private projects. His background and experience has enabled him to bring together a professional team, to whom he transmits the aspiration to continually introduce innovative design solutions to contemporary world of Art, Infrastructure and construction


Looking for a best company in Africa that connects with art, construction and infrastructure.